World of Warcraft Dragonflight (Officially) Announced

World of Warcraft Dragonflight (Officially) Announced

As of this morning Activision Blizzard has officially announced the newest World of Warcraft expansion, Dragonflight. In this new expansion we get to visit the ancestral home of the dragon flights, the Dragon Isles. Not the most inventive name, but lets go with it.

First off, the best thing about this expansion’s announcement is the lack of expansion specific powerset. There are no artifact power, azerite, or covenant equivalents. We are not going to find ourselves getting used to specific powers or rotations that are just going to go away.

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The Professional Gamer - May 11, 2019

Hi readers! I went a trip this week, and unlike more times, I actually did some geeky stuff while I was away. I tossed my reliable old 3DS in my carry-on with the thought that I might play a little bit of Link Between Worlds. In the end, I got through most of the game during a couple of flights. Let’s talk about this great addition to the Zelda canon.

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Playstation E3 2018 Showcase

Sony is the second longest running console manufacturer that is in the game now. Over the past year I have started to play more Sony titles thanks to their support of the single-player story experience, something I rather enjoy. So what did they show at their briefing this year? Let's take a look.

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EA 2018 E3 Press Brief Impressions

The annual event is here to show new games and what we can hope to expect for the next year. EA was the first to do their press briefing, and I am finally watching it. This coming late has absolutely nothing to do with me binge-watching My Hero Acadamia. No nothing at all...

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Daku Con Incoming

Daku Con Incoming

Wow, can you believe it is already November? And with the second to last month of the year comes the last (or at least the last I am aware of) convention of the season, Daku Con. What is Daku Con you might ask? Well it is a first year geek convention that is 18+. The convention is going to be held at the Radisson Hotel Denver Southeast (I-225 and S. Parker) on 11/10 - 11/12.

OK, so now you have the base details. Your first question may be, why an 18+ convention? To answer that question I am going to reference the front page of the Daku Con website.

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Dreamhack Denver 2017 - PICTURES!!!

Dreamhack Denver 2017 - PICTURES!!!

Last weekend Dreamhack hosted their first event here in the Mile High City. And it was a blast. Games were played, prizes were won, it was a great time. A full write up is coming soon, but I managed to finish getting pictures up first, so huzzah! The full gallery can be found here.

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