EA 2018 E3 Press Brief Impressions

The annual event is here to show new games and what we can hope to expect for the next year. EA was the first to do their press briefing, and I am finally watching it. This coming late has absolutely nothing to do with me binge-watching My Hero Acadamia. No nothing at all...

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EA Play E3 2017 Conference

Today E3 was thrown into full gear by the EA Play Conference. There were some impressive announcements made, the biggest being the the most expected. So lets jump into things.

I am going to start with the last thing they announced as it was the one that I was looking forward to the most, and the one that almost made me forget about the rest of the conference, Star Wars Battlefront II

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Andromeda Initiative Starts Today

Today is November 7th, and you know what that means. Yes, that tomorrow is election today and you should go out and do your civic duty if you have not already done so. But it also means that it is N7 Day! And as such training for the Andromeda Initiative starts today. Are you brave enough to leave all you know behind to sleep for over a hundred years to find a new home for humanity? Do you have it in you to be a part of the our galaxy's first inter-universal expansion? And are you prepared for all the things that can go wrong on this trip? GREAT! Then head on over to the above site and start your training for the Andromeda Initiative.

Review - Need for Speed Rivals

Review - Need for Speed Rivals

Do you feel the need? The need for speed? OK, I have that out of my system, lets move on. This season EA released the next iteration in the Need for Speed series, Need for Speed Rivals. Your canvas is the majestic Redview County, which is remarkable diverse. There are snow capped mountains, twisting passes, seaside villages, freeways that are under construction and a desert / canyon. This gives you a great diversity of areas to drive, each with it's own pros and cons. Will you stick to the twisting roads and out maneuver your rival? Or will you go for the long straightaways and out run them?

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EA Press Conference

Our greeter at the EA Press Conference.This year EA had a number of games to show off. And I even cared for most of these games. To power the majority of there games Each has created two new engines. The Ignite engine that is to power all of the new titles from EA Sports. The Frostbite 3 engine will power just about everything else. So what games did they show as there cream of the crop this year?
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EA Quits Online Pass

Back in 2010 I purchased Mass Effect 2 for the Xbox 360. Along with my game came a code to join the Cerberus network. This was the first of many online passes that I would get in future games that are used to detour the sale of used games. They essentially were $10 DLC passes that came with a new game. Most gamers did not take kindly to this online pass idea. And while a number of companies are using it, EA is no longer counted in their number. Recently they have decided to kill the online pass program they started after finding that it was not popular. This was confirmed by EA senior director of corporate communications John Reseburg. 

This means all new EA games will be finding a different way to get extra money from us gamers. Perhaps buying crafting materials like in Dead Space 3. That would be something right up their proverbial alley.

EA to Publish in a Galaxy Far Far Away

Today it was announced that Disney has given EA the rights to publish games based on the Star Wars universe for multiple years. This comes shortly after Disney axed Lucas Arts leaving a number of games in limbo, including Star Wars 1313. Still no word on if that game will actually ever see the light of day, but at least we have a new hope.

This deal EA will be responsible for creating games for "the most popular gaming genres and platforms" while Disney will have limited rights to make games for mobile, social, and Web platforms.  EA has three studios already signed up to make games, BioWare (duh), DICE and Visceral will all be producing games in this universe for us to enjoy.

EA is quite excited about this opportunity, citing EA Labels President Frank Gibeau "Every developer dreams of creating games for the Star Wars universe". While I appreciate his excitement the cynic in me has a few problems. 1) What if that developer is a die hard Trekkie? He might hate making a game in the Star Wars universe. 2) How much are they going to make me pay for lightsaber parts?

In all seriousness EA knows they have to do this right. They have now been voted the worst company in America, twice. This will give them a chance to endear themselves back to gamers by making quality Star Wars games. This their big chance to not just be a souless empire , but a company we admire. Please EA, turn back from the dark side; you can still redeem yourself.

Battlefield IV First Gamplay Footage of Campaign

Dice is at it again! Ladies & Gentleman let me introduce to you the very first campaign gameplay footage of Battlefield IV. This video is taken from a section of the campaign in Battlefield IV called “Fishing in Baku” and shot in-game as well. From the 17 minutes I got from the video it looks amazing! Check out the video below.



Dead Space 3 Demo

Christmas may be over but EA is giving gamers a belated holiday gift. As of January 22, 2013 you can get a demo of Dead Space 3 for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 via there respective networks. Although if you are a 360 owner you have the option of going to  http://demo.deadspace.com and signing up for early beta access (while supplies last, expires 1/14/2013 @ 11:59 PM PST, stupid lawyer speak). The demo not only includes the new planet that you crashed on, which is of course teaming with Necromorphs, but it allows you to play co-op as either the reluctant Issac Clarke or the new character Sergeant John Carver. Wow, someone for the military is actually stepping to help this time. What radical thinking? If you find the game to be what you are looking for then look forward to the full game on February 5th in North America for the 360, PS3, and PC. If you are in Europe then don't worry, you only have to wait until February 8th.