Portal Gun for Sale
/I will admit, I am a bit of a Portal fan. So seeing this new item coming to ThinkGeeks catalog, even if it is only for a limited time (only 5000 are to be made), makes me very happy. Look for it to appear this spring.
I will admit, I am a bit of a Portal fan. So seeing this new item coming to ThinkGeeks catalog, even if it is only for a limited time (only 5000 are to be made), makes me very happy. Look for it to appear this spring.
Steampunk seems to be invading everything, but that is not really a bad thing. As proof I give you this creation by batman-n-bananas from deviantART.
The brain is an important tool, and like all tools it must be kept sharp and ready for action. Puzzle games are a great way to do this, and puzzle games are a fun way to do this. But some puzzle games are better then others, and here ware the ones that stood out the most for us:
Portal 2
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
A few months back I posted a few videos of Mario with a portal. Well it appears that the idea took deeper root than we thought it did. The team at stabyourself.net is now creating this:
Yes, a banner! What? You don't like just a banner? OK fine, this is actually a game that combines the original Super Mario Bros. and the portal idea from, you guessed it, Portal. The game will have the original Super Mario levels, the Lost Levels, and a built-in level editor. Finally the game will have simultaneous multiplayer. So let's look forward to this game (which will be FREE) to come out soon. In the mean time sate your appetite with this video of the gameplay.
Well what a week. We have had two amazing portal videos on the span of a few days. Lets start with the amazing live action one, shall we?
Cool Huh? Lets hope that if Valve does a portal movie they look this guy up. The portal effects were amazing and you get a real sense of how much of a b**tch GLaDOS is.
Second we have a video that is a few custom rooms. It is truly amazing what a person can do when properly persuaded. Make sure you watch the whole thing and don't jump around. It loses the effect when you do that.
Did you watch the whole thing?
Good, she said yes by the way, so good going on this super geeky but awesome proposal!
So I am sitting messing around on the internets and I find the following video, which features what link would do if he had a portal gun. It was way too entertaining not to share, so here it is.
So I assume most of you have played Portal 2. If not then you will not find this entertaining. Those of us that have played and remember the lemon rant from Cave Johnson will find this hilarious.
So, for the first time in a few weeks all three of us were in one spot. We sat down, we recorded an episode, everything was great, until the saving was needed. First Audacity would not save the file, so I exported it as an MP3. Close audacity, open the MP3 and find out that everything before the 35 minute mark was lost. Dammit, so I give you what was left, and the notes of what we had talked about. Fail on my part.
Welcome to Aperture Science, where the future is now. Or at least it was until you destroyed the megalomaniac AI that was running the place. This was a little over a hundred years ago and the place has not seen any real love. You start the game being brought out of stasis by Wheatly, the AI that is supposed to be in charge of all the humans. Too bad you are the only one left and the others are "bloody vegetables". So now you two are going to try and escape this place before the management comes down and knocks some heads.