Nan Desu Kan 25 Approaches

Nan Desu Kan 25 Approaches

25 years in the Tivoli Student Union at Auraria Campus a small convention was held. It celebrated Japanese anime, art, comics, music, and culture. Fast forward to 2022 and NAN DESU KAN is set to be held in, what can arguably be the largest hotel in the Denver Metro area, the Gaylord of the Rockies during Labor Day Weekend between September 2nd - September 4th.

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NDK 24 - Cosplay Contest

NDK 24 - Cosplay Contest

Finally! I have completed the preperation’s to post about the NDK 24 Cosplay Contest! If you only want to look at pretty pictures you can go here and ignore the rest of this post.

At this years cosplay contest I took 3,570 photos in total. Out of those only 367 passed muster, or 10% of photos taken are actually used. This years contest had some great costumes and you could tell everyone put a lot of work into their cosplay. You can find the full gallery above, but from here on forward you will find the people that won awards in the contest! As a side note, all names for the cosplayers came from a recording I took during the contest. My phonetic spelling is not perfect, so if I got something wrong let me know.

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NDK 24 Photos from the Floor!

Phase 1 of editing and posting photos from NDK is complete, also known as Floor Cosplay. They can now be found here on the site under the photos section and will be on Facebook soon as well. And as usually here is a small

For those that want to know. Phase 2 is photos that are not the Costume Contest and Phase 3 is the Costume Contest. Coming soon.

NDK is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow the Colorado geek convention season restarts! NDK is going to be at the Gaylord of the Rockies Friday - Sunday. Before we all gather I did want to give some people reminders of what to expect at the new location.

1) Masks are required for the convention. Given the crowd I look forward to all your geeky face wear.

2) There are plans for a number of food trucks to come to the hotel. So if the restaurants are a bit much you can eat outside! And don’t skip meals, that is bad for your health and could cause you to miss more then a single panel. Plus no one likes a hangry attendee.

3) Parking at the hotel will run $18.95 per day for con attendees. This is cheaper then Spot Hero at $22.00 per day (I just looked before typing this up) but is more expensive then some surrounding locations. There is also the option to park at the 61st & Pena RTD station (or just take the light rail) and use the shuttle that runs every 30 minutes on the 15 and 45 of each hour. Also, don’t park in the surrounding neighborhood. You will get towed and then you will wish you paid for parking.

4) The weather is forecast is low to mid 80’s and sunny. DRINK WATER. You don’t want to be the person that faints from heat stroke. Seriously.

5) People can be gross, and there will be a lot of them. Keep some hand sanitizer in your bag.

6) You have heard to a million times but now, but if you feel sick, stay home. Being patient 0 at the con this year could have much more serious consequences then normal. You don’t want to be the person responsible for 1/4 of all cosplayers in Colorado being in the hospital next week.

And that is all I have. I look forward to seeing people at NDK this year, and for many years to come.

NDK 2021 and the Gaylord

NDK 2021 and the Gaylord

Believe it or not, NDK 2021 is happening in less then a month! The premier Rocky Mountain anime convention will be September 3rd to 5th and will be the first anime convention in in the Denver Metro area since the pandemic started over a year ago. The event will also be held for the first time at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. Given the move to the new location there were many questions that we had. Fortunately with the help of NDK Press Coordinator were able to get our questions answered by Amanda Liebermann, Executive Director of NDK and CFO of the RMAA.

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Nan Desu Kan Day 3 Discussion

The last day of the convention is always bittersweet. By Sunday morning, I’m usually pretty tired for the long hours and lots of excitement about everything happening around me, so I’m eager to go back to my regular working life. But, I love the energy that comes from being surrounded by people who share a common passion. Sunday morning was filled with guest interviews (which you can listen to here). I followed that up with a few more panels, and then made my way home and back to regular life.

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