WTF?!?! Three straight days and three straight posts by IrishPride? You bet your ass! Recently, ZeldaQueen bought me a Solid Snake pin from NDK and it made me think of why Solid Snake is such a badass! So without further ado, I give you the top 5 reasons why Solid Snake is so awesome:
Source Image from Creative Uncut website.
5. His name can be a sexual innuendo.
4. His bandanna screams, "Don't fu*k with me!"
3. He literally eats snakes, I mean seriously, what the hell?
2. His voice brings women to their knees, while striking fear in his enemies.
1. He can successfully hide from enemies in a cardboard box, nuf' said.
Who knew that hiding in a cardboard box can make you such a badass! If you have any other reasons why Solid Snake is awesome, or not, post a comment right below!