Borderlands 2 - Krieg the Psycho
Today is going to be short as I have a tendency to talk fast when I am alone. But that does not mean I won't try to make it meaningful.
And here are my notes.
A number of games are released each and every year. Some are horrible, some are great. But which game that came in 2012 stands out above and beyond the rest? The nominees are:
Borderlands 2
Mass Effect 3
Guild Wars 2
And the winner of the 2012 Best Gameslave Game of the Year is Borderlands 2. This game has it all. It has an excellent shooting mechanic, masterful use of RPG elements, single and mutli-player gameplay this game deserves Game of the Year. Want to know more about what makes this game so freaking awesome? Check out the review IrishPride did on it.
When used properly, and with proper talent, voice acting can enhance a gaming experience beyond what we expect, beyond what can be programmed alone. Sure if it is done poorly it can make a serious section of a game pure comedy, but that is not what we are worried about here. The nominees for best voice acting of 2012 are:
Guild Wars 2
Borderlands 2
Halo 4
Mass Effect 3
And the winner is Borderlands 2. With the voices of Dameon Clarke (Handsome Jack) and David Eddings (Claptrap) they give great dialog and make the game very entertaining. Serious moments are taken as serious as needed and comedy is pulled off without a hitch.
Humor, it is all important to making sure we enjoy life. It has even been said that humor can heal a person. Given that, which game do we think should be in hospitals to help speed the recovery rate?
Borderlands 2
Scribblenaughts Unlimited
Penny Arcade Adventures - Episode 3
The award goes to Borderlands 2, which is the most obvious to me. The game is ripe with humor from the main villain, Handsome Jack, to side questions about renaming Bullymongers. If you, for some reason known to only the Flying Spaghetti Monster, you have been playing this game on mute then turn up the volume and enjoy the hilarity!
Point a gun and fire it, that is the core of a shooter. They have evolved to to be more than that now. They have involved storylines, branching characters, and fancier guns! This year was full of games that have improved the genre, and here are our choices for best shooter of the year.Farcry 3
Borderlands 2
Halo 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
And the winner is Borderlands 2. With 4 different classes, a diverse leveling system, hilarious dialog, and more bullets than the US Military then game is a real joy to play. It works in both a single player and multiplayer environment and will give you hours of enjoyment.
Well, not much as changed here in the past week. But that does not mean we aren't going to try and make a podcast!
The notes of our speach can be found yonder.