The Professional Gamer - February 27, 2015

Hello readers. Another week has passed, and brought us to a Friday.  And that means, it is time for another installment of "The Professional Gamer".  What did I do this week?  Read on to find out.

Reading: I'm still reading Salt, Sugar, Fat, which is maybe not the best lunchtime reading.  Nonetheless, it is interesting to learn more about how the processed food that so many people eat are designed and produced.  I am thankful that I have removed a lot of the processed foods from my diet, but am still concerned about the items that I do eat.  It is hard to accept the truth of how much salt, sugar, and fat go into some of the food that we eat.

Watching: I've spent much of the last week re-watching the first season of Mushi-shi.  The series does hold up well to repeat viewing, especially if you wait a few years to give you plenty of time to forget how all of the stories go.

Playing: I'm still playing a lot of Hyrule Warriors and trying to complete more of the game.  I'm still working on the Master Quest Map, but am hoping to soon finish that and move on to the Twightlight Map and the Termina Map.

That's all I have to report on this week.  If you happen to be at Animeland Wasabi this weekend, say hello to my friends Denise (@sotwnisey) and Laurissa (@WhimsyInk).  They're set up in Artist Alley, selling comics and art prints.  Game on!