Nan Desu Kan 2010
/Greetings fellow geeks! We here at the Gameslave have returned from the Rocky Mountains' largest anime convention, Nan Desu Kan. As you can tell from the decorated van picture below, many others were excited to be there as well. Decorated van from the parking lot for NDK We were fortunate enough to be able to cover the event as press and will be posting some material from the weekend's event, including pictures, video, articles, and recordings of various con visitors and panels. We are diligently working to get these items up as soon as possible.
For a little background though, Nan Desu Kan (NDK) has been running locally in Colorado since 1997, starting off in the Tivoli building in downtown Denver. Since its humble beginnings of about 200 fans, it has grown to a whopping 20,000+ attendee-Friday-through-Sunday event, moving locations three times since the Tivoli to accommodate all the attendees. If you are interested in attending NDK's 15th convention next year, you can follow the link above to the registration area and sign up. Until September 19th, 2010, pre-reg is only $25 for the whole weekend and after that it goes up to $40 as long as you are registered before August 14th, 2011.
If you live as well in the Denver metro area or Colorado itself, you may also be interested in NDK's second New Year's Eve Cosplay Bash. You can register here for this event, which is a semiformal/semi-cosplay event, so fancy dress or full costume is a must. More information can be found at NDK's website. We'll be back soon with some more fun anime con news!