The Professional Gamer - November 24, 2018

Hello readers! I hope you all have had a good week, and for those in the U.S., a great Thanksgiving. And if you are interested in such things, found some good deals on electronics and what-not. I’m looking for a new laptop, maybe one that can play games that are withing a few years old, rather than my current computer, which sometimes struggles to run Chrome. But that’s my own issue. Let’s talk about some geeky stuff.

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The Professional Gamer - July 6, 2018

We're just past Independence Day here in the U.S., and I decided to take a few days off to better enjoy the holiday. I spent some time puttering around my house, finishing up some projects, and then spent most of the rest of the time having fun and relaxing. I won't bore you with the house projects, so let's talk about fun stuff instead.

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The Professional Gamer - June 29, 2018

I had a slightly strange end to an ordinary week. I was at home this week for a change, and spent most of my time as normal. Work during the day; chores and a little bit of fun time in the evenings. Earlier in the week was a lot of chores, while later I had more time for fun. Then, we had some cool news today. Anyways, lets talk a bit about what I was doing to goof off.

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The Professional Gamer - April 4, 2015

Hi everyone, sorry for no article last week, but with extra work hours and DINK, I didn't have the time to do much for fun, let alone write an article about it.  Anyways, lets talk about what I've been doing this week.

First, I've managed to find a few spare hours to dedicate to Elite: Dangerous, and am a bit closer to getting to a new ship.  I'm having a hard time deciding whether to buy merchant ship (most likely a Type 7) or an explorer (most likely an Asp).  At this point, flying out into the black sounds like a nice change of pace compared to flying between stations selling stuff.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming DLC for Hyrule Warriors, and in anticipation have been playing a little bit more, trying to finish up all of the adventure maps, and level up the characters a little bit more.  I'm not sure if I'll buy the Game Boy version of the game, but since a portion of the DLC will be available for the WiiU only, that should be a lot of fun.

Finally, I've been watching Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, which might be the most depressing version of .hack//SIGN that I've seen to date.  There was a weird amount of fanservice in the first few episodes.  But that seems to have died off as we have had some more serious events transpire.

That's all I've got for this week.  We'll catch you again soon.


The Professional Gamer - August 24, 2015

I hope everyone is ready for another week at work (at least for those of us who have landed on the Monday through Friday schedule).  I know that I am.  The weekend was spent backpacking with my buddy.  But, you all came here to read about geeky activities, not about walking around under the Yellow Face.  Read on to find out how I spent my time this week.

Reading: Again, reading has generally taken a backseat to most other activities this week.  While I am away in the woods, I'm planning to read at least another volume of Pretty Guardian: Sailor Moon, but I will leave that discussion until next week.

Playing: I've split my gaming time this week between playing Hyrule Warriors with Crystal and Elite: Dangerous on my own.  In Elite, I just purchased a new ship.  I opted for the Hauler, which many fan have dubbed the space van.  It may not be exciting to fly, but I'm hoping it can make me some cash via trading.

Watching: Doctor Who continues to be the viewing choice at my house.  I recently watch "Mummy on the Orient Express", and I have to say that it is my favorite episode so far this season.  Although the Doctor is still acting like a blowhard, we at least see some reason for it in this episode.  And maybe we understand a bit better why Clara is willing to endure his barbs so that she can participate in the adventures.  The pacing of this episode was also better than the last few have been.  I hope this episode marks a turning point for the season, and that we get some more great episodes out of it.

Farewell for another week.  Keep up with you geekiness, and I will do the same.  Have a great week, and Game On!  

The Professional Gamer - August 10, 2015

I have returned from my (brief) summer vacation, and am back to the ordinary world of work and geek.  But, I enjoyed my camping trip / tech sabbatical.  Several days without the ability to use my phone (at least without standing in some very specific locations) was a great break from normal life.  Now that I'm back, how have I spent my time?  Mostly planted in front of the TV, cause Denver is way too hot!

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The Professional Gamer - April 25, 2015

Hey everyone! We had a great time at ComicFest / StarFest. Then went back to work with crippling deadlines. Which means, I'm well behind on getting our interviews out on podcast.  Look for those in the next few weeks. This also means I haven't spent a whole lot of time with enjoying myself in the evenings. Regardless, here's what I've been up to this week.

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