The Professional Gamer - June 8, 2018

This has been a bit of a recovery week after the work travel and a busy weekend. I've kept up with the seasonal anime and found a bit of time to play to video games too. Let's talk about what I've been up to. Spoilers ahead.

First, I've watched the latest episodes of My Here Academia and Wotakoi. Shit is definitely going down in Hero Aca, with the big bad making an appearance in the most recent episode. We'll have to see how things go in the future. We're getting near the end of the season, so I'm expecting the big cliffhanger to be coming soon. And it Wotakoi, why won't you geeks just kiss each other?! Gah! It's not that hard guys.

In video games, I've spent a little bit of time playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2Guild Wars 2, and Elite: Dangerous. Not a lot of time to any particular game, but I've raised my Hunter in GW2 to level 50 and explored a few more systems in E:D. In new game news, I picked up Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition, because I'm a fanboy with now self-control. It's fun, but I feel like some of the multiplayer controls aren't as stream-lined as they could be. For example, it seems that the second player can't actually pick with character they play as. Maybe I'm mistaken.

That's all I've really got going on this week, but I'll be back again soon. Next weekend is Denver Comic Con, and I'll be spending most of the weekend at Table BB-8 (you read that right), helping Crystal sell some cool comics, art, and crafts. See you soon, and game on!