The Professional Gamer - December 13, 2019

Hi readers. I’m happy to be back in the saddle again after a week away. My cold is more under control, requiring only a little bit of sudafed to see me through the day, rather than the curious cocktail of medicines that I was taking last weekend. In any case, let’s talk about some fun things that I’ve done for the past couple of weeks.

Seasonal anime update: I haven’t watched anything this week, but I’m current to my three serials of choice to last Wednesday.

  1. My Hero Academia: The more I watch of this season, the more I feel like it is a filler arc. Well, not exactly a filler arc, but the pacing of the story has the feel of a filler arc. And its kinda bothering me now. I like some of the character moments that we have had, but the energy level seems to go up and down really fast.

  2. Kemono Michi: Our main character gradually seems like more and more of pervert, and its making me uncomfortable. Also, the characters have mostly become cardboard cutouts. At this point, I’ll finish out the season, but probably only recommend with reservations from here on out.

  3. Ascendance of a Bookworm: This show continues to be really interesting. For me, this is the stand-out new show this season. Watch it, watch it, watch it. Great world building in a low-magic fantasy world, with so much grounding in realistic science, manufacturing, and society.

Other than anime, I’ve been playing a lot of Warcraft, and leveling a lot faster than I though was possible. Part of that is the current 15th Anniversary XP bonus, but I’m pretty sure that everything has been re-tuned to make leveling easier. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it though. I’m planning to head to Outland, but I need to skill up all of my professions before I do so. So, I’m level 65 and haven’t really touched Hellfire Penninsula. I’m hoping that I can spend a bit of time tonight after I finish this, getting all of professions to 300.

That’s all I’ve got for this week. I hope you all have been having a good time and are looking forward to the holidays. Have a great week and game on!