The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 190

Welcome back geeks. Sorry of the long break, but we return, and with a plethora of things to talk about!

The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 190
Assimilator, Proteus, and ZeldaQueen
  • Doctor Who
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Watch_Dogs
  • TheatrRhythm Final Fantasy 
  • Avatar: The Legend of Korra
  • Sailor Moon Crystal
  • NDK

The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 183

Showing that small miracles can happen, all three of use managed to get together again for a podcast. Don't expect this event again for about 3 weeks due to birthday's and Denver Comic Con. But don't dwell on that, dwell on this weeks topics of Watch_Dogs, Star Trek, and Denver Comic Con.

The Gameslave Podcast - EP 183
Assimilator, Proteus, and ZeldaQueen

The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 182

A few weeks have passed since the last podcast, and the month of May has not been kind to us all getting together. So alone I record again so as not to leave my fans high and dry.

The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 182
  • Wolfenstein
  • E3
  • Denver Comic Con
  • Watch_Dogs
  • Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare