Conversations with IrishPride Episode 10
Hooray! Conversions with IrishPride made it to its first double digit episode, I'll drink to that! Welcome to Conversations with IrishPride Episode 10. Today I am going to propose the question, "Am I broken?"

It took me over a week to finally play Rage and I only played about an hour of it and got bored. I wasn't bored because it's a bad game, I was bored for the sake of just playing any video game. I started it up again the following day with a different mindset and ready for a long play session. I stared at the menu screen for five minutes and hit the 'Exit' button. I mean, I couldn't even get past the menu screen! This pattern has been happening for the last month. I've only played about two total hours of Gears of War 3 (one of my favorite series mind you) and I can't even remember what game(s) I had been playing before that. So, I ask my fellow geeks: Am I broken? What's wrong with me? Why don't I feel like playing video games? Maybe I'm just in a slump that I'll eventually break out of. Maybe it's just that I've been doing what mere mortals talk about, "living a life." Whatever is happening, it's freaking with my mind. Maybe I'll have to wait for Star Wars: The Old Republic to get me out of this slump and if that can't, I'm scared for humanity.
In any case, this has been episode 10 of Conversations with IrishPride. This is IrishPride signing off and until next time, play some games for me!!!