The Professional Gamer - January 9, 2017

Hello, and welcome to another week of geek discussions with Jim, the Professional Gamer. I've had a fun week, picking up an older game again along with a new anime. So, lets talk about it.

Since Crystal got a Fantasy Life for Christmas, I've been playing again in order to share the experience with her. Also, in order to try out the multiplayer options. Unfortunately, we haven't had a chance to play together yet, so I don't have anything new to discuss, really. Hopefully, we'll get more of a chance to play together soon.

Next up, let's talk a bit about Konosuba. To be blunt, this series is trash. A hot mess of boobs, panty shots, and implied perversion. But, the comedic timing is decent and a few of the characters are interesting. I'm about half-way through the series at this point and will probably finish it due to the sunk cost fallacy. I'll come back with some additional comments once I finish the series.

That's all that I have for this week. See you next time and game on!


Jim Arthurs

B.Sc. - Geological Engineering, Ph.D. - Geology, P.E. - Civil Engineering. Retaining Wall Designer. Lover of Nintendo, Graphic Novels, and RPGs. Gardener, Homebrewer, and television viewer.