The Professional Gamer - November 28, 2016

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to all our U.S. readers! I hope you have all enjoyed the holiday. For me, I always enjoy having the extra time to pursue my leisure activities, rather than being trapped in my typical routine. In addition, spending time with my family is always fun.

Yuri!! On Ice continues to be a lot of fun to watch every week when it is released. I don't have much else to discuss about it, but I continue to recommend the show.

In Elite: Dangerous, I have finally managed to purchase an Anaconda, one of the biggest ships available in the game. In fact, the largest that does not require earning rank with either the Empire or the Federation. Now, I'm working up money in order to better equip this vessel and then by some other vessel to play around. 

That's all I've got for now. Have a great week and game on!