Sith Welcome
To be honest I don't recognize this character, so she gets to be Sith thanks to the red lightsaber. Feel free to correct me.

The Line
This is just the start of my 3 hour wait to sit in the X-Wing. Dear lord that line was slow.

A trooper (looks like a Clone Trooper) was walking around. Looks like he took this kid hostage.

Target Practice 1
Looks like they have some defected rebels here teach potential Imperial troopers target practice. Why else would they be shooting Rebel Alliance and Republic icons?

X-Wing - Distant
This is my first glimpse of the X-Wing. It is still so far.

Bounty Hunter - No Helmet
The Bounty Hunter has been hired to help train the defectors to shoot their former allies.

It appears the defected rebels have captured the Princess. What will she do?

Target Practice 2
More target practice.

Blaster Gun Placement
Looks like they are not joking around with protection here. They have a gun placement to protect the X-Wing.

Red Storm Trooper
Another hostage taken from right behind me. When will these troopers stop taking us from our places in line?

Lightsaber Repair
She may be out of materials now, but you are looking at a dedicated rebel that make a large number of lightsabers, and this is her work area. Note how even in the future, duct tape fixes everything.

Gun Placement vs Jedi
Here it appears someone is trying to take down a large number of Jedi with the large gun.

Duel Starts
Vader and a Jedi Knight meet on the field of battle.

Vader vs Jedi
Darth Vader himself (in chibi form) is in a fierce battle against a Jedi Knight.

Sand Trooper 1
Looks like the Sand Trooper took over hostage duty.

Sand Trooper 2
And he let the hostage escape. His boss is not going to be happy about that.

Trooper with Boss
And he is not too pleased at all. That trooper will be lucky to leave with his life.

X-Wing - Closing In
I can see the stairs to the X-Wing along with the guards. Almost there.

The hostage has hidden himself with a Jawa. He may be a tad too tall for that to work for long.

X-Wing 3
We are closing in on that X-Wing. So close I can taste it.

Hunters - 1
Looks like Vader has enlisted a bounty hunter to track down his hostage.

Hunters - 2
Crap, there are two of hunters on the prowl. The hostage better be careful.

X-Wing Information
So I felt stupid after reading this. Apparently while you can only sit in the X-Wing 1 day a year, it's home is actually this museum.

Your's truly, waiting in line.

Carebear and myself getting our picture with the guys guarding the X-Wing.

X-Wing - Goal Achieved
And this is Assimilator in the X-Wing. I can scratch that off my geek bucket list.

X-Wing - Side
Here is the side of the X-wing. I get to walk around it and take pictures now that I am done with that line.

R2 Unit
This X-Wing come fully equipped with an R2 Unit.

X-Wing and Carebear
Here is Carebear standing next to the X-Wing.

X-Wing Engines
The rear of the X-Wing. You can't tell real well from this picture, but the engines are lit up.

"Guarding" the Millennium Falcom
No Storm Trooper, I don't think this will fool Vader into thinking you did not let the droids get away.

X-Wing 4
The other side fo the X-Wing. I may have been a bit picture happy.

X-Wing Signature 1
This side of the X-Wing has all sorts of signatures from the cast of Star Wars, so I took lots of pictures of them.

X-Wing Signature 2
More Signatures

X-Wing Signature 3
Noticing a pattern?

X-Wing Signature 4
I keep going for one more.

X-Wing Signature 5
And this is the last of the X-Wing pictures.