The Professional Gamer - March 23, 2018

It's going to be a short post this week, as I'm heading to Colorado Anime Fest today. If you have some free time this weekend, head on over to spend some time with other anime geeks. The weekend was a lot of fun last year, and they have a cool slate of guests this year.

I finished watching Made In Abyss this week. I cringed and cried a lot in the last few episodes. It was hard to watch, but gave such a feeling of emotional catharsis at the end. The series so far has been so rewarding, and I'm excited for the second season (announced in November).

In other news, I finally got a Funimation subscription. I'd been holding out because I thought the cost was a lot higher than it actually is. Now, I'm watching My Hero Academia in English. I don't have anything against subtitles in general, but it can sometimes be hard to follow everything happening on screen, and read the dialogue. English dubbing, in general, helps my enjoyment. Dubbing for Hero Aca is good so far. I am questioning some of the adult guidance provided in the show, though.

That's all I've got time for today. Watch my twitter for reports from Colorado Anime Fest. Have a great week, and game on!